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Hair Loss Alopecia

Please note that ANY consultation regarding Alopecia or Hair Disorders will be undertaken as a self-paying patient, invoiced on the day of consultation. Please note that AXA PPP and Bupa do not cover consultations for Hair Loss and Alopecia and so even if you hold a policy with them, if you are consulting me about Hair Loss/Alopecia you will be invoiced as a self-paying patient on the day of consultation.

Hair loss is common and can be very distressing. 

No one likes to lose their hair and alopecia (the medical term for this) can be worrying. There are a number of causes for this problem, ranging from poor scalp health, nutritional problems and hormone related causes through to inflammatory scarring problems.


Professor Jolliffe has a special interest in alopecia and her expertise has been recognised across the world. She will take a very detailed medical history from you to enable her to understand why you may be losing your hair and will examine you carefully using a special magnifying device called a dermatoscope.


In the majority of circumstances a diagnosis can be made and the hair loss halted and sometimes reversed, particularly if the condition has been treated early.


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