Consultant Dermatologist
GMC No: 3275388

Remote and Face to Face Consultation Agreement Information
Thank you for choosing to see me at Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth Grove End Road St John's Wood, London, NW8 9NH for your outpatient consultation. This letter set out some important information that I am required by law to provide to you. This is for your information only and is not a bill. As it includes information about my charges, if you do not have private medical insurance but someone else will be paying your bill, you may wish to pass a copy of this letter to them. Please note that even if someone else is paying your bill or you have private medical insurance, you are responsible for paying any charges which they do not pay.
Consultation Fee and Communication
My fee for an initial consultation for General Dermatology will not exceed £275 . My fee for an initial consultation for Hair Disorders will not exceed £350 and my fee for any follow-up consultation will not exceed £250.These estimates are correct as at the date of this letter. Should you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours' notice, a cancellation fee of up to £75 may be charged. Occasionally an extra procedure such as an injection may be needed. These will be charged according to the prices on my website and will be in addition to the consultation fee. We aim to send letters arising from the consultation within 7 business days and answer queries arising from consultations within 3 business days. In the event of an emergency advice should be sought from NHS 111 or a local accident and emergency department.
Consultations regarding Hair Disorders, Hair Loss or Alopecia
Please note that all consultations regarding hair disorders, hair loss or Alopeica will be invoiced as a self-pay on the day of consultation. Most insurers do not cover patients for consultations regarding hair disorders, hair loss or Alopecia and as a result my policy regarding consultations for these disorders is to invoice on the day of consultation as a self-paying patient.
Following your consultation, you may need certain tests (such as blood tests or imaging, for example an x ray, MRI or CT scan) to help me diagnose your condition. If the test is undertaken by the hospital, and not by me, the fees for those tests will be determined by the clinic or hospital and charged to you, or your private medical insurer, separately.
If there are any fees which I will charge in relation to any of the tests I advise that you have, I will let you know what those will be. You are responsible for your fees which may or may not be fully covered by your private medical insurer. There will be an additional fee for treatments such as intralesional injections given during the consultation which will be additional to the cost of the consultation. Please see my website for pricing - https://www.profvickyjolliffe.com/about-us
Private Medical Insurance
If you have private medical insurance, please contact your insurer before your consultation, to check the terms of your policy, particularly the level and type of outpatient cover you have, including any reimbursement limits on individual consultation fees or excess fees.
I am recognised by the medical insurers listed at the end of this letter.
Financial Interests
I am legally obliged to tell you if I have any financial interest in the hospital or clinic or any equipment there.
I can confirm I do not have any such financial interests.
Quality Information
You can compare independent information about the quality of private treatment offer at the hospital and other private health care providers from the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) website: www.phin.org.uk
I will ask you to confirm your agreement to my terms and conditions when we meet by agreeing to them electronically at the beginning of the consultation.
I look forward to welcoming you to the Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth.
Yours Sincerely
Professor Vicky Jolliffe
Consultant Dermatologist
I am recognised by the following private medical insurers. As stated above consultations regarding Hair Loss or Alopecia are undertaken on a self- paying basis.
From 1 January 2019 I ceased to work as a recognised provider for Bupa and AXA.
Allianz Partners
Cigna International CIGNA
Civil Service Healthcare
Emergency Assistance Japan
Exeter Friendly Society
Healix Health Services Healthcare
Healther Partners Europe Ltd
Health-on-line National Friendly
Prestige International UK Ltd
Vitality Health Vitality
Updated 11/01/2023